About Me

Jan 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Emma!

Today is a special day.  My little sister just turned 6 years old.

I remember her coming home from the hospital.  Taking her first steps.  Bombing my room.  Walking on the treadmill so she didn't have to go onto the Biggest Loser.  "Fainting" at the sight of boys from the plays.  Losing her first tooth.  Watching movies with her.  Talking about nothing in general.  Hugging wars.  Fighting over who marries Peter Pan.  Singing opera together.  Playing Nancy Drew.  And dancing together.

Some photos of her during random moments of her life. :)

Our trip to Canada.

At Florida.

Disney hugging Donald Duck.

Florida in a restaurant.  She was choking Nate in the picture. :)

At Disney, we were pirates.

Being captured by Zurg. 

And I just had to put this up.  Little Miss Style getting ready to go somewhere.


Me: "I want to discover diseases!"
Emma: "Well, how about discovering GUTS? Or worms that go into people's bodies!"
Dad: "Well, when Mr. Right comes along..."
Me: "No dad! It's my prince, not Mr. Right."
Dad: "Ok, when Prince Charming comes along...."
~Later in conversation~
Emma: "Well, I have a long story about Sophie and her Prince. It's so romantic." [she falls off her chair while making a huge sigh]
"Well, I sometimes just get distracted at looking at things." -Emma
"You scared my life!" -Emma
"Soph- I can't believe that boys in movies have girl hair." -Emma

Happy birthday cute little buddy.  I love you oh, so much.  I am truly blessed to have you as my sister.  I thank God for you all the time.  For the way you bring happiness and laughter with the blink of an eye.


  1. Haha shes awesome! Tell her i say happy birthday!

  2. wow! its Julia's birthday today too!!!! my little baby is getting so old and so is yours too!

  3. okay, i just adore the picture of you two with donald duck! so precious!

  4. Awe! I want a sister like your little sis. =)

  5. I wish I could remember all the amazing comments Katie makes. I would post every one on my blog but then my entire blog would be about Katie.

    "You scared my life!" :)

    I babysit a little boy who occasionally says the same thing about getting distracted.
