About Me

Nov 24, 2010

The Day Starts, The Day Ends

Time crawls by.  Night steals in, pacing the floor.

Days start and end quickly for me.  Night comes in and I watch it pacing back and forth, stealing my sleep.

Thursday the 18th started pretty normal...until after work.  I finished work at 8pm and got into my Lavender Brown costume, was picked up and went over to the Rio to watch Harry Potter with my friends.  The movie was really the first one that I was happy with in the series.  It followed the book pretty well and had little moments that I really loved.

I had Jayme and Kirsten over for lunch yesterday and my dad made his grilled cheese and creamy tomato soup for us.  It was quite good.  Then we decided to make a trip to Starbucks and I tried out that White Peppermint Mocha that Jayme told me about.  I am a fan of it now. =D  While we were driving back to the house, Kirsten and I stuck our heads out of the car.  That was really fun, especially when it started raining.  When we got home we took a walk down to the dam and climbed it while it was raining.  I got hit by a golf ball on the head and have a lump now... but it was totally worth seeing Jayme being rooted to the cement after he climbed it.  :P  After coming back from the dam we walked around our block and picked up Robert and continued walking.  We met up with Matt and....I had to leave to work before he and Robert tried to jump off of their roof.

Well, sometimes I feel like being a princess.  Today was one of them.  I was a princess.  I went to a banana party and a green bean party where I pealed bananas and snapped green beans.  I went shopping with some buds, had my first ever picture booth pictures (I fail so badly at them), had my very own Chipotle for the first time and split it with Kylie, and kinda sorta had a yummy pretzel from Auntie Annie's.  No, it wasn't as good as the ones from the Amish Market.

Anyways, here I am now, studying away for the 3 tests that I am really anxious about.  But after the tests...HAWAII! =D


  1. See? Those peppermint white mochas are amazing. :D And sorry again about the golfball....

  2. Ok i am jealous of your life now LOL! Sounds totally fun!(Good post btw.)

  3. I live for sticking my head out the car window. Just saying.

  4. O my goodness Sophie!! I love you!! <3
