About Me

Nov 14, 2010

Me and My Cousins.....

You and your cousins...
Well, in this case it was just one cousin for this story :)

Thursday night is when the excitement started.  Right before going to bed, Jenna (my cousin if you didn't already know that) chatted me asking if I wanted to go shopping.  Seeing as we had not seen each other in a long time of course I wanted to, so we planned to go on Saturday :)

I had woken up the next morning and went to MC to find out that I had passed my test and that once I drop a test grade I'd have a B in my bio class!  This was very good news to me, after feeling like I would have an F in the class.  God is SO good!

Nighttime commenced and 10:31 came and went.  I was called up to play an odd game that made us look like elephants... it just so happened that Jenna was also playing against me.  The message, the cider, the friends, the watermelon and the talks were all very good.

Then Saturday morning I went to Donuts and Doctrine....that was a very good teaching, if only I had remembered to bring home the outline. =P

Then we went shopping at Montgomery Mall a little bit later!  Ohhh boy!  Jenns and I went to Forever 21 (which happened to be 2 floors, and of course it reminded me of the 4 floor one at NYC), got lost, had McDonald's, caught up with each others lives and made many memories shopping at random stores. <3 you Jenna I'm so glad we got to hang out!
"I am pretty sure that's a wedding dress for 9 dollars. Try it on." In reference to the dress she made me try on.  I'm so sure that it was a legit wedding dress for $9. =P
"It is a dress......that looks like it's made from a trash bag." In reference to the dress I made her try on....it must've been a trash bag with diamond things on the shoulders. :)

Before heading home we made a stop at Whole Foods.  Emma, Lily, Jenna and I wandered around the store trying food samples (smoked pacific salmon, winter wonderland cake and some chicken thing).  Then we found the aisle with soaps and glasses.  Of course we had to try on glasses and perfumes...and take pictures =)

Later that night I was sitting in bed, falling asleep when I heard a knock on my window....I have started to become used to knocks at the window late at night, but it still startles me.  Turns out that it was Cat and Stephen wanting to watch How to Train Your Dragon :)  By the time I got home that night it was 11:30...and I was really tired, but I had a very good time!

Can I just say that the message this morning (Sunday) was very, very good.  God convicted me in many ways and drew me closer to Him! :) 

That sums up my weekend.  I am kinda wanting some sort of sugar right now, and a second nap...but that will not really happen soon seeing as I do not own sugar or time. Oh well. =P  And just a note, the pictures were from phones and not actual cameras, so sorry if they are bad quality =)


  1. Haha and yet another! Good post! Lol love the pics haha. Good job!

  2. aww you c=guys are so cute!!!! i love ya soph!


  3. hahah I love you! we need to hang out more...
